Welcome to Mr. Drazek's Class

Biology, Chemistry, & Forensics Teacher at Harry S. Truman High School

A Little About Myself 

My name is Tom Drazek.  I am a Biology and Chemistry Teacher at Harry S. Truman High School.  The 2020-2021 school year is my 8th year teaching overall, and my 6th year at Truman.  

I'm involved in several organizations within Bristol Township.  I lead a triennial school trip to the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, the next of which is planned for March of 2021.  Last school year, I became the co-advisor of Truman's GLASS club, which I plan to continue working with this year.  This school year, I became the Senior Advisor to the Class of 2021.  

My interests include most things in the Science Fiction/Fantasy genre, reading, video games,  gardening, cooking, and my 2 shetland sheepdogs Leia and Phoebe.

Meet My Dogs!



My 2020-2021 Schedule

All classes are taught in room A-10

1st Period:  Academic Biology

2nd Period: Prep

3rd Period:  Academic Chemistry

4th Period: Honors Biology

5th Period: Lunch

6th: Period: Academic Biology

7th Period: Academic Chemistry

8th Period: Duty

Tel.: (267) 599-2070 ext 5508
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